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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Breeders at the Unitarian Church in Philly 09-03-10

Friday night, Septermber 3rd, 2010 and a sold out crowd of people in a non-air conditioned basement of the First Unitarian Church, anxiously await 90's alternative heroes "the Breeders" to take the stage. Following the extremely noisy "Hot Guts," (how appropriately named for the evening) I have to admit, since my shirt was soaked in the disgusting heat, I was almost ready to leave, but as soon as "the Breeders" kicked into the first song "Overglazed," from "Mountain Battles," the heat didn't seem to bother me for the next hour and 15 minutes. Kind of a short show, huh? That's ok, I won't complain, it was hot as fuck.

The band sounded great. Kim Deal's voice sounds as good as it always has in the past, if not better. The last time I saw the Breeders was back in 95 so it was great to see them 15 years later and still having a clean well mixed melodic sound. Following the opening tracks from the last record, "Bang On," and few others, they played most of the favorites from "Last Splash" throughout the night. First off, "Divine Hammer," and later with "No Aloha," "Saints,"and "Flipside." Of course they played "Cannonball," but not last, surprisingly. The band was tight, except for a little flub in the second chorus of the latter, but Kelly Deal laughed it off. Also, some some songs by the "Amps" made it to the list that night. All in all, great song selection, great set, good performance.

If you were expecting some stage tricks, crazy lighting, a backdrop, costume changes, pyrotechnics...then you just weren't there in the 90's my friend. This was alternative rock at its finest. Simple and plain, and that's how we liked it back then.

The Score: 7 out of 10 rocking bells
The Math: Mid 90's alt superheroes- the stardom x hot church + good songs = The Breeders @the Church

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